Wednesday 27 November 2013

Dean Martin is Amazing

Seriously, I've been listening to him for loads of late. I love this video of him singing Somewhere There's Someone on his show, and the bit where he waits patiently for the backing singing to finish so he can carry on singing is great.

Anyways, I'm in the process of procrastinating. Its actually taken me about half an hour just to get to write this sentence. Dammit brain!

Monday 11 November 2013


So would you believe I am in work right now. I am bored. I am tired. I am waiting for payday so I can pay for the Cardiff Comic Con 2014 table. Say whaaaaaaaa

Friday 11 October 2013

Trevor f**king Phillips

I'm so totally obsessed with GTA V right now, and whilst I didn't like Trevor to begin with (basically the first mission) I think he's my favourite character. Aside from the amusing relationship between Franklin and Chop. I have to have something to love since Breaking Bad finished. :(

Right now I am struggling to write anything. I'm currently working on something until my crippling fear of failure goes away, but that NEVER GOES AWAY YAAAAAAY

Here's a picture I drew on the back of an envelope! The horror

Thursday 10 October 2013


Apparently it's weird that my lunch consists of pineapple, chips and a poppadom.

It's not weird

Saturday 14 September 2013

Breaking Bad don't leave me

Yeah I got up to date on Breaking Bad, now I have to suffer waiting for episodes to air before I can watch them. Its totally crazy right now, although I died a little inside when a certain favourite character of mine died, the show is still brilliant. Can't wait for the next episode and work is always more interesting in the mornings with different theories on how it might end.

Right now I'm working more on something else, but I don't feel like telling you about it right now.

It does however involve pictures of the drawn variety.

I really need the postman to arrive so I can leave the house without the crippling paranoia that if I go out without him having been I will miss the most important package known to man, even know I know perfectly well that my packages aren't even near this country yet.

Wednesday 11 September 2013


So the Cardiff Comic Con was great; I got some interest in the books and comic - Scourge more than most it seems, and I'm going to be at the Cardiff Comic Con next year as well!

The next Cardiff Comic Con is in March 2014 - I am hoping to have different things to take with me - specifically The Ashes of Averan as a complete book (hope).

Right now I'm trying to catch up on Breaking Bad. I'm on Season 5 episode 9 - AHHHH

Wednesday 28 August 2013


I am on the bus and there's noise. It's coming from my headphones, playing Devin Townsend Vampira - in order to block out screaming children at the front of the bus. Whatevs, DT is way cooler than you and your bus antics, but apparently not loud enough.

Story of Us is available as a Kindle Comic now - it's due to go up free in the run up to the Cardiff Comic Con, and I believe one of my books is free today with the other following suit soon after. 
I don't have much left to plan for the con now, other than making sure I remember I am not in work Friday for the set up nor Monday for the recovery process! Hoping to see lots of people there and potentially steal signatures of real famous people too.

Friday 23 August 2013

Just over one week

There's only eight days to go until the Cardiff Comic Con! Ahhh! I have things planned for it - all my books are bought and have arrived or are on their way and there should be a few prizes for the tombola. 

I have to be there pretty early on Saturday and Sunday so it's lucky I've got Monday off as it will be a very long weekend for me! Waaah I can't believe it's come around so fast already!

On a lighter note, I made Cage-Cakes today!

Wednesday 14 August 2013


I'm presently watching Mega Shark in Malibu. George is going to open the gate, and Brian is going to distract the shark with his supple flesh (because his loved one died). HE'S A TRUE (AUSTRALIAN?) HERO.

Anyways ... that aside, I think I may have finished the Averan teaser. I was told it should be a part of the book that's actiony

(Seriously why isn't Brian dead ye .... OH THERE HE GOES)

Shit George is dead too, when the fuck? I liked his beard. He was more hillbilly looking than the guy in Swamp Shark and a better actor too.

The teaser is done, I hope, and its fairly actiony - it takes place during Em's time in actual Averan, a creepy part where there's dead stuff. A bird too.


Its cool, the blonde women and her ex are totes going to get back together, which sucks to be her present boyfriend. Or they'll die together in that waterlogged car. And seriously, the amount of time they spent filming the girl screaming whilst getting stitches was unnerving. So many couples have died too.

I'm going to try to figure out how to do the teaser - I could have put it in with stuff, or maybe I can put it in with purchases - free in fact. WHO KNOWS? NOT ME!

Here's a little something I drew when the power was out in work.

OH NOES COLIN splooooosh into the water

Thursday 8 August 2013

Three weeks isn't that long

Three weeks until the Cardiff Comic Con, and I'm like WHAT. I mean seriously, its three weeks - I get paid in the middle of these three weeks, but not as much as usual because I went on holiday to Germany, but still STILL three weeks isn't really that far away.

I just ordered more copies of The Story of Us because I'm worried I won't have enough. See now, the Con will be cancelled and I'll be peddling them on street corners for £1m per copy.

I also found this random site called WhoSay. I signed up, followed James Franco and quickly wondered why the fuck I was bothering because I barely look at Twitter properly in the space of a month without getting bored.

I then noticed that my feed was completely full of James Franco's posts - completely full, everything he'd ever posted - some cool pictures of a bathroom done up to look like a crime scene and some other stuff. But it made me look like an obsessed stalker, because his photos were all that filled my feed, whereas on a site like Facebook I'll have loads of posts by lots of different people and I have no interest in the vast majority of them, because a bird just flew past my window.

Anyways, stalker vision off, here's a something or other.

That's a drawing what I did of a bloke and his magnificent beard who works in my office on the day the PCs all broke at once and we were left sitting around for hours with nothing to do waiting for them to be fixed (they weren't fixed and they had to send us home). As a miserable clown. He's sad because his flower is sad.

Tuesday 6 August 2013


Its about three weeks until the Cardiff Comic Con. I am currently working on previews for Ashes of Averan, although I'm not sure how I'm going to do that still which is infuriating. I want to give them away free, but my paranoia is probably what's the issue right now.

So I had a weird dream last night; Id drunk some orange squash before bed then this is what I experienced in dream town:

I dreamt that I was doing something, something like WORKING FOR VOLDEMORT because I was dating him or something. He was doing evil things, and we were cool and evil together. Can't get much cooler than Ralph Fiennes, really. Anyhow, so I was out doing evil shit or something and picking up stuff in a building, then I needed to be able to fly.

No worries, because my co-worker Stacey was on hand to help me out - she tied dead pigeons to my arms and told me it would work. I asked her why they weren't living pigeons, and she made a comment about how hard it would be to tie dead pigeons to my arms. I understood this, and it didn't work. Obviously.

So then I was sitting with some people, and someone from Facebook I didn't want to see (I don't know who) was coming to see me, having previously told me how brilliant they thought I was. There was a get together I think and barely anyone had come, so it was cancelled.

So I was talking to this person waiting for the Facebook guy, and I said "he likes Iron Maiden. I despise Iron Maiden."

I turned and the Facebook guy was there and pretty bummed that I hated Iron Maiden with a passion that seemed to be hotter than the sun, and I told him to tell this other Facebook guy not to come because it was cancelled.

Then I believe I woke up deeply confused. I don't hate Iron Maiden. I don't really like them, but really - I said I despised them! :|

Anyways, all this considered I came up with a fancy pants new character. Presenting:

I'm probably going to call him the Vampire King, and he's a pretty cool guy. He currently looks a bit like Voldemort with a nose, but I still like him.


Monday 29 July 2013

I am the table

Hey guess what? Yeah, you there, the internet. Scourge and Collected Shorts right, they're both available as ebooks exclusively for Amazon. And right now, since Mondays really suck, they're both free until Tuesday, which an old manager of mine once told me was the worst day of the week, because it wasn't Monday, wasn't the middle of the week and wasn't near the end. It sucks.

But this offer doesn't suck, and I sound like a sleazy salesman!

Got Scourge FREE today and tomorrow on Amazon:

Get Collected Shorts FREE today and tomorrow on Amazon:


If you're from another country, like the EU or India, I believe you can just change those links up there - alter the .com to the or .in for wherever you are in the world, and it should work (as long as your country has an Amazon assigned web address suffix) :)

I'm in a fairly good mood today. It might be because I looked at a bottle of alcohol sideways, or it might be because I enjoy conversing with awesome friends. Maybe it's because I'm staring directly at a while screen and it hurts my eyes.

Also! There will be postcards. At the Cardiff Comic Con NEXT MONTH, I'll have postcards galore of The Story of Us - there's four prints to choose one. One is of Nicola and I on an elephant. Oh, the hilarity. I also just got a delivery of (the first series of Frasier) some posters for the con - they're pretty fancy! YEAH

Right now I'm eating a Rice Krispie Square! Its deeply unhealthy! YEEEEEAH


Thursday 18 July 2013

Yo ho ho

Wow I've posted quite a bit this month it seems. Its probably due to the fact that I'm at present at the tail end of two weeks off work (it feels like forever though) and because a number looks big to me if its above 1.


I was having issues with CreateSpace yesterday and today what with the formatting and nonsense I have to go through just to get something past the uploader (seriously it had no issue with the word docs I was pushing into it, but the second I uploaded a PDF and it screamed at me). BUT I persevered and managed to finish it which was something.

I even had time today to write a birthday card for a great friend two months in advance. I am SO on top of things.

Or maybe the antibiotics are messing with my brain. Whichever.

Here's a picture!

That's going to be the cover of my collection. Sadly I decided that it was too difficult for me to even attempt at making the books myself, so I opted for the Amazon CreateSpace avenue and put them all together. Luckily they are currently coming up as fairly inexpensive as I've not set the UK prices by America so they shouldn't change. See there's even a fancy mushroom cloud that doesn't look like a goddamn clown on it (serious Google Images, WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL).

Hey now, here's another photo!

That's me right there, expertly riding a hippo in Berlin Zoo. I am so cool.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

My feets

I had to have antibiotics from the doctor because a door tried to assassinate me in Germany. Something to do with feet, and I try not to think about it because I despise feet.

Anyhooo, its half way through my second week off work and I came to the terrifying conclusion that I may or may not have forgotten my passwords. Woot. Two weeks off and my brain has turned to jelly.

Also I made this just now - there's a startling amount of gravestone generators out there it would seem...

That's just something I'm working on right now. I am still no closer to the whole CreateSpace/collections of shorts conundrum, but it is looking much more likely that I'm either going to have to resort to CS or desperately attempt to bribe the library to print stuff on A6 paper. Libraries man, they be all 'what's A6 paper'.

Also, fuck moths. I apologise to any moths reading this, but seriously my lampshade isn't the fun place you should hold your 'lets fly into things inside things' parties. Take it outside, guys.

Monday 15 July 2013

Berlin is awesome

Yeah it is, I came back from there on Friday and it was pretty amazing. They have underground AND overground trains. My mind was officially blown the moment I stepped off the plane.

Either that or it was my ears popping EVERY FIVE MINUTES

Anyways, before I went away to Berlin I got copies of this in the post - in a giant white sack from Amazon:

Its now available from and (copying that link and changing the to .com totally works) and will be with me in a limited capacity at the Cardiff Comic Con. Now all I need to do is get paid and I can buy everything else I need and my plan will nearly be complete...

I'm also working on short stories which may or may not become full stories depending on reception to them at the con. I really don't know whether or not I ought to make them free, or to make them available as a bundle - such as a bundle that is also called a book, but how I would print said book (I could do CreateSpace but the turn around on the copies I order from the US would take too long for me at this point) is beyond me, so I may end up running around like a headless chicken in Central Library on August 29th on my lunchbreak printing copies. I'd like for that to not happen though. I run more like a mentally ill penguin rather than a headless chicken and it's just sad to watch.

Monday 24 June 2013

Wut wut wut wut

Yeah I finished CreateSpace. I mastered CreateSpace. I became LORD AND MASTER OF GODDAMN CREATESPACE.

I finished uploading and editing and finishing the comic, and its now on it's way to me - 20 copies (because I couldn't really get any more right now and seriously, there needs to be a CreateSpace UK so I can order them from the UK and not the US of A to get them cheaper and faster) for me to take to the Cardiff Comic Con.

Things man, they be happening all over the place.

Additionally, I came up with a new character called Cake Radge. Here he is:

Other than this terrible news, I am doing other things but I don't feel like telling you about them now.

Like thinking about doing some more short stories. Dammit, my plan failed!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

CreateSpace makes me spit blood from my eyes

I'm having a few issues shall we say with Create Space, Amazon's book creating website which users are able to upload their work to, then have copies printed on demand by Amazon in America/the UK. I created my book Scourge there and it took a while (also the realisation I never included page numbers), but it worked.

Comics however are a whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooole different thing all together. I didn't know what a DPI was so I Googled it - only to have the internet laugh snarkily at me as it said "DPI doesn't exist".


So after a while some less snarky websites told me something about PPI (at which point I broke out in a cold sweat, felt very dizzy and blacked out) which is apparently not the type of Payment Protection Insurance I may or may not have to deal with on a goddamn daily basis, but something to do with pixels per inch or some such balls.

Anyways, long story short the internet failed to help much at all, because whilst I managed to get some of my images for the comic to the correct (apparently non-existent) DPI number (which is 300 in case you weren't wondering), ten of the images still aren't DPI 300 enough for Create Space so its still shouting at me. I don't know what else I am supposed to do, short of screaming at people on the street and handing them crumpled copies of the ten comics Create Space doesn't appear to like.

What's not to like?

This one has a foot in it (sidenote: I HATE FEET)

Saturday 8 June 2013

Stuck on the train

 On my way to get a new passport because mine expired in 2009, but the train is delayed because of an accident between Cardiff and Newport.

They are trying to switch tracks for the train and go the other way to Newport waah.

This is my view now

Thursday 6 June 2013

I've never had sunburn before

Seriously, how do people cope with this? I went out with a friend to an anti racism demo last weekend, and apparently caught the sun - something I've never managed before because when I was a child my dad made my sister and I wear so much sunscreen we looked like ghosts, and as I got older I never really wore little enough to catch it (I was such a goth) or it wasn't nearly sunny enough.

Its very strange. People were giving me funny looks in work and everything. I bought some stuff when the aftersun another friend gave me didn't really work, which was okay but it started to peel and I'm like WHAT IS HAPPENING whilst everyone else just thinks its normal.

Anyhow ...

Other than this strange development, I have been also working more on the comic. I downloaded the Kindle Comic Creator which is very good and I plan to use it once the comic is complete. It looks a bit crap on a normal £69 basic Kindle (the kind I have...) but I'm sure for all those people who were willing to pay way more money than I was will enjoy the colours and everything.

Here's an accurate representation of how I felt when I got sunburn:

I only have myself to blame - I was wearing a vest top and absolutely no sunscreen. Although I did only manage to get burnt on my shoulders and part of my chest, because my hair was apparently covering the rest. Fast times at Sarah Harding-Roberts High!

Wednesday 24 April 2013


So I am trying to juggle right now. Not literally otherwise this would be written like "dnclwoekwldmms l lamdlalskdkclslsk äääööfmwnxlenel 아이들은 남아있지만 d mflflcmfäsääföpüüü" (I also have German and Korean keyboards so I assume I'd have accidentally knocked them on).

Juggling projects? I have the comic and the book as well as short stories to put together and there's another thing I'm working on so things feel like I am literally juggling.

I also started the 30 Day Shred and holy Jesus' unitard it was painful. I learnt after day two (yesterday) that the woman said recently its not intended to be done every day ... After I'd done it two days straight. Seriously my legs would scream profanities right now if they weren't in so much pain.

Anyways here's a drawing of me claiming to be a kung fu master.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Op op op op

So things are going along with the comic and balls. I was also planning on holidaying in Germany but seems likely I may be visiting another nearby country instead or as well.

Got some other stuff in the pipeline but for now here's a drawing of Nicola vomiting on me.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

News of thing

So I am in the process of a couple of projects right now - one won't take much time to complete and the other will.

I am posting about the former - I decided recently to 'reimagine' my comic character Nicola into her own comic of sorts which I had previously tried.

What I have begun to create is something called 'The Story of Us' which follows Nicola and Sarah on their everyday adventures.

You can see the cover here!

Saturday 6 April 2013

Curse you , HBO

I started watching Game of Thrones on the early morning of Easter Monday, having been really far behind the rest of the world.
I just finished series two last night and it was way to awesome. I suspect witchcraft.

Because of this I've only been able to do my writing of words in work at lunch or breaks, but I am still doing it. I did consider going to the gym today but it was hard enough to have a bath without the phone ringing (silent call), a neighbour ringing the doorbell then a wild postman appearing with parcels to sign for. It wasn't very effective; the post wasn't even for me. :(

Also it's cold. Bed is not cold. Therefore I am sitting in bed.


Wednesday 3 April 2013


Soapy? Soupy. I am eating soup right now, because I wasn't sure if I was able to eat anything lame and solid because I have this condition where I shit when I eat.

What do you mean everyone does?

Seriously though, this is some good soup. It's some kind of oh god my phone won't let me scroll down so I can't see what I am typing anymore ahhhhhhh

Ah there we go. Anyways

Sunday 31 March 2013

Wouldn't it be nice

If I could remove my Goodreads copy of Scourge?

I uploaded Scourge when I didn't entirely understand Goodreads. I have absolutely no idea what version is currently on there - but it's been on there since sometime in 2012, which would have been when the first version went live on Amazon. Since then, I recall having made some rewrites. I have no idea if people who have reviewed or starred have read the version which was available on Kindle/Smashwords or Goodreads, therefore I have no idea what versions they've reviewed. It also appears that once something is on Goodreads, its there forever and I'm not permitted to change my cover art? It shows its old, when this is the cover displayed:

That there was the original cover I created with a free image before Kate made my other cover which I've been using forever now. Its a bit lame. It shows nothing about the book and blah it's not the proper cover anymore.

Scourge disheartens me sometimes. It was my first book which I probably should not have rushed to get out there, because I didn't have anyone to read it and check over any issues with plot, characters or spelling and grammar errors. I still need someone to look at Averan to make sure it's going all right. I have completely abandoned the 'different character every chapter first person narrative' I tried in Scourge. My problem I had then and sort of now is that I am not a huge fan of third person narrative because I don't think I do it very well, so I favour speaking as a character in first person - of course for Averan, I have decided that only Emily speaks in first person, so if I need another character to take over for a chapter - they're pushed to third person because it can be confusing switching between characters all screaming in first person narrative.

I know Scourge says it's the first book in the series, but due to all the problems I have had with it I am not looking at going back to it any time soon, although I have made some amendments to the print version which I am only vaguely considering taking to the Comic Con in August/September.

I hope I can get someone to look over Averan. Having read reviews on Goodreads I can't say I'm feeling like writing right now. LIKE EVERY DAY!

I have a lot of time on my hands this weekend

I've had nearly four days off for this weekend starting from Friday and ending Monday. Easter is awesome and I'm not even Christian. So I drew this picture of Nicola wearing my spare glasses and vomiting on me.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Wattpad, no more

I've removed the vast majority of my stuff off Wattpad, as I couldn't cope with the like for like, read for read demographic on the site which I was incapable of getting along with effectively due to work commitments and shizzle like that.

I haven't deleted Humanity and Scourge off there (yet) because they had a few reads, but I never finished updating them on there and I probably won't. If people want to read them, they'll probably have to pick up a copy and read it then, unless I really feel crazy and complete them there. Who knows. Not me.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Cardiff Comic Con

So Cardiff is finally getting a Comic Con after so many years of me saying 'Cardiff should have a comic con'. I was mostly saying this because I was too lazy/poor to visit London or elsewhere to go to the cons there. Now I have a good job, Cardiff get's one.

However I will be there. In the flesh and everything. Selling things maybe. With a booth type of table thing, which I'll be sharing with my good friend Kate Evans, artist extraordinaire. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to have with me there - I mean sure, there's going to be books and shit like that, but I used to do comics you know. Shit comics, so maybe we'll ignore that.

But I've been asking people, taking polls and threatening animals and the general consensus is that I could look into doing short stories of some description. My main issue is that my short stories end up being the opposite of that, but I have recently written and completed The Year which is classed as a short story, but I don't think that's what the people I threatened asked meant when they said 'short'. Maybe they were just make a general observation of my height, those pricks.

Someone else suggested bookmarks, but I think this is something more for artists. When I went to the Cardiff Comic Expo recently I saw there were other people selling books - but they had waaay more titles than me. I'm not crazy keen on using the Scourge copies I have, as they're missing page numbers at present. I'll have to look into a way of getting other versions created to fix this (this was because it was on Kindle originally and I'm a fool for forgetting) and Averan is coming along fairly all right, so I am not sure what I'm going to do with it - whether I go the same route as Scourge, or submit it somewhere. Who knows. Probably the latter.

Maybe I can write more short stories ... Time to think of the various ideas I've had in the past! GET TO WORK, BRAIN

Oh hey, I drew this in work today:

Saturday 23 March 2013

They see me bowling, they be laughing

Because I suck at bowling. Unless the sides are up, then shits going to get REAL. REALly bad.

So anyway, I've been doing some stuff on my site - I finally figured out how to move the master menu tabs across (I added a new page after I had added the page with a link to this blog, and I realised suddenly the contact tab had vanished off the side of the site), so now there's a new tab there for this:

I'm so glad Blogger made that image smaller, because in reality it's 1468px by 2088px and took weirdly forever to load on my website when I uploaded it.

I made the cover myself (obviously, I mean it's not a work of art or anything ...) because I'm probably going to make this story (its a short one) free somewhere. I'm not sure where yet. Maybe I'll print off reams of it and give them to people in the street, whilst making full eye contact whilst saying 'Do you do everything to please our Lord Jesus Christ?'. Mainly because they'll be really confused when they read it (or throw it away) and find out it has nothing to do with Jesus. 

I used to do Smashwords, but I never really seemed to get much downloads on there compared to Amazon (sorry, Smashwords) and Wattpad, but my work isn't One Direction based so that was a bit pointless for me too, sadly. I only found out that Harry Stiles existed because of Comic Relief (although to be honest he seemed like a nice enough kid who got very upset so shows he has some form of a heart which will be torn out by the robots who run the music industry ... or the lizardmen).

I'm currently working on The Ashes of Averan part three, which may well conclude the first book - depending on how long all three parts are when they're completely typed up. If it's not long enough I've started basic planning of what could feasibly be part four, but if I don't need any more parts it will become book two part one instead.

I'm also going to be at the Cardiff Comic Con with my good friend Kate Evans (my go-to girl for covers), so I'm hoping to have Averan completed by then at least, which is happening on the August 31st - September 1st weekend at the CIA (currently called the "Motorpoint Arena"). I'm maybe going to look at having my shorter stories available in some sort of hard format, perhaps grouped together for the con. Who knows. I already have business cards with my website on them.


Thursday 21 March 2013

Listening to the same song on loop

Right now, hey RIGHT NOW, I've been listening to the same song ... well, music, since there's no singing so really it's not a song, for about the best part of an hour and a half.

I usually do this because a certain song has helped me with an idea - such as the short story I just completed called The Year - the song in question for that was one by Fire Theft called 'Heaven'.

Right now though, I'm (still) listening to Bone Wagon off the Grim Fandango soundtrack (best game EVER) which can be located here:

It sort of describes my mood right now. If you know me, maybe you'll understand. I can be a bit up and down sometimes. I'm like drugs. The illegal kind. Uppers and downers. Anything you like - one day I'm like HEY I'M EXTACY! Then another day I'm like Heroin.

I got a bit bored and Googled Opium. Then I ended up on WikiAnswers (I have a profile, sometimes I answer questions!) and somehow ended up answering one on how to say 'hello' in Assiniboin (It's Háu if you were wondering). Now I'm back.

So I wrote a short story called The Year. I'm not entirely sure what I'm planning on doing with it - its not even got chapters as its all written from the perspective of the main character reflecting on his life. What should I do?

I know what - keep listening to Bone Wagon.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Block of the Writer's Kind

Or maybe it's procrastination? I don't know, but I'm in the middle of trying to figure out how to plot and start an idea I have been looking at of late and I am having a little bit of difficulty.

This may be due to the fact that I have a computer that is capable of interneting and therefore able to keep me occupied on things like ... Wikipedia, articles about poo in Ikea cakes and Facebook.

Maybe its because this idea of mine is impeding on my actual stuff I have to do - namely typing up part two of my book and thinking about part three. Who knows.

But anyways, poo in cake? I guess that explains the chocolate coating they had.

Oh hey, I updated my website with fun details on stuff. There's a new tab. Its got words on it and even a picture.