Monday 29 July 2013

I am the table

Hey guess what? Yeah, you there, the internet. Scourge and Collected Shorts right, they're both available as ebooks exclusively for Amazon. And right now, since Mondays really suck, they're both free until Tuesday, which an old manager of mine once told me was the worst day of the week, because it wasn't Monday, wasn't the middle of the week and wasn't near the end. It sucks.

But this offer doesn't suck, and I sound like a sleazy salesman!

Got Scourge FREE today and tomorrow on Amazon:

Get Collected Shorts FREE today and tomorrow on Amazon:


If you're from another country, like the EU or India, I believe you can just change those links up there - alter the .com to the or .in for wherever you are in the world, and it should work (as long as your country has an Amazon assigned web address suffix) :)

I'm in a fairly good mood today. It might be because I looked at a bottle of alcohol sideways, or it might be because I enjoy conversing with awesome friends. Maybe it's because I'm staring directly at a while screen and it hurts my eyes.

Also! There will be postcards. At the Cardiff Comic Con NEXT MONTH, I'll have postcards galore of The Story of Us - there's four prints to choose one. One is of Nicola and I on an elephant. Oh, the hilarity. I also just got a delivery of (the first series of Frasier) some posters for the con - they're pretty fancy! YEAH

Right now I'm eating a Rice Krispie Square! Its deeply unhealthy! YEEEEEAH


Thursday 18 July 2013

Yo ho ho

Wow I've posted quite a bit this month it seems. Its probably due to the fact that I'm at present at the tail end of two weeks off work (it feels like forever though) and because a number looks big to me if its above 1.


I was having issues with CreateSpace yesterday and today what with the formatting and nonsense I have to go through just to get something past the uploader (seriously it had no issue with the word docs I was pushing into it, but the second I uploaded a PDF and it screamed at me). BUT I persevered and managed to finish it which was something.

I even had time today to write a birthday card for a great friend two months in advance. I am SO on top of things.

Or maybe the antibiotics are messing with my brain. Whichever.

Here's a picture!

That's going to be the cover of my collection. Sadly I decided that it was too difficult for me to even attempt at making the books myself, so I opted for the Amazon CreateSpace avenue and put them all together. Luckily they are currently coming up as fairly inexpensive as I've not set the UK prices by America so they shouldn't change. See there's even a fancy mushroom cloud that doesn't look like a goddamn clown on it (serious Google Images, WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL).

Hey now, here's another photo!

That's me right there, expertly riding a hippo in Berlin Zoo. I am so cool.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

My feets

I had to have antibiotics from the doctor because a door tried to assassinate me in Germany. Something to do with feet, and I try not to think about it because I despise feet.

Anyhooo, its half way through my second week off work and I came to the terrifying conclusion that I may or may not have forgotten my passwords. Woot. Two weeks off and my brain has turned to jelly.

Also I made this just now - there's a startling amount of gravestone generators out there it would seem...

That's just something I'm working on right now. I am still no closer to the whole CreateSpace/collections of shorts conundrum, but it is looking much more likely that I'm either going to have to resort to CS or desperately attempt to bribe the library to print stuff on A6 paper. Libraries man, they be all 'what's A6 paper'.

Also, fuck moths. I apologise to any moths reading this, but seriously my lampshade isn't the fun place you should hold your 'lets fly into things inside things' parties. Take it outside, guys.

Monday 15 July 2013

Berlin is awesome

Yeah it is, I came back from there on Friday and it was pretty amazing. They have underground AND overground trains. My mind was officially blown the moment I stepped off the plane.

Either that or it was my ears popping EVERY FIVE MINUTES

Anyways, before I went away to Berlin I got copies of this in the post - in a giant white sack from Amazon:

Its now available from and (copying that link and changing the to .com totally works) and will be with me in a limited capacity at the Cardiff Comic Con. Now all I need to do is get paid and I can buy everything else I need and my plan will nearly be complete...

I'm also working on short stories which may or may not become full stories depending on reception to them at the con. I really don't know whether or not I ought to make them free, or to make them available as a bundle - such as a bundle that is also called a book, but how I would print said book (I could do CreateSpace but the turn around on the copies I order from the US would take too long for me at this point) is beyond me, so I may end up running around like a headless chicken in Central Library on August 29th on my lunchbreak printing copies. I'd like for that to not happen though. I run more like a mentally ill penguin rather than a headless chicken and it's just sad to watch.