Saturday 14 September 2013

Breaking Bad don't leave me

Yeah I got up to date on Breaking Bad, now I have to suffer waiting for episodes to air before I can watch them. Its totally crazy right now, although I died a little inside when a certain favourite character of mine died, the show is still brilliant. Can't wait for the next episode and work is always more interesting in the mornings with different theories on how it might end.

Right now I'm working more on something else, but I don't feel like telling you about it right now.

It does however involve pictures of the drawn variety.

I really need the postman to arrive so I can leave the house without the crippling paranoia that if I go out without him having been I will miss the most important package known to man, even know I know perfectly well that my packages aren't even near this country yet.

Wednesday 11 September 2013


So the Cardiff Comic Con was great; I got some interest in the books and comic - Scourge more than most it seems, and I'm going to be at the Cardiff Comic Con next year as well!

The next Cardiff Comic Con is in March 2014 - I am hoping to have different things to take with me - specifically The Ashes of Averan as a complete book (hope).

Right now I'm trying to catch up on Breaking Bad. I'm on Season 5 episode 9 - AHHHH